Sunday, June 2, 2013

Syrian Rebels Have Hope

         So today I just want to share a quote to you from Wael Ghonim, an activist who helped spark revolution in Syria with his Facebook page "We are all Khaled Saeed." (Khaled Saeed was a young Egyptian man who was tortured to death by the police in Alexandria, by the way, which sparked much controversy.)  

       Ghonim once said, to the rebels of Syria, "We are going to win because we DON'T understand politics. We are going to win because we DON'T play their dirty games. We are going to win because the tears that come from our eyes actually come from our hearts. We are going to win because we have dreams, and we're willing to stand up for those dreams.We are going to win because the power of the people is so much greater than the people in power."

         It struck me, once I heard these words, how extremely true this is. Although the government led by Bashar al-Assad is getting all these weapons from Russia and foreign aid from various countries, do they really believe in what they are fighting for?

         True spirit and grit will always prevail. The rebels may not have much, but at least most of them are fighting for a cause. They are fighting to keep their families safe. They are fighting for religious freedom, social structure, the right to a voice in their government. They are more powerful in their unity than the government is with all the weapons in the world.

Please continue to support their cause, and aid the families of the rebels who seek refuge in neighboring countries through Thank you, and have a great day.

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