Sunday, May 19, 2013

Foreign Intervention in Syria

The conflict in Syria has been going on for more than two years now. It has become not only a political conflict, but a humanitarian one. Syrians have been forced to flee their homes to neighboring countries in search of safety.

Now the main issue in the US is, should we intervene?

Foreign intervention could prove to be detrimental, and increase conflict instead of establishing peace. Bashar Al-Assad, the leader of the government, has a lot of allies. For example, Russia regularly provides the government with weapons and arms to fight the rebels with. If the US were to intervene and help the rebels, that could cause the allies to not only increase their aid to the government, but become enemies of the United States.

Also, there are many rebel groups linked with Al-Qaeda, and in aiding the rebel groups with supplies it would be almost impossible to avoid helping these groups. The US could then be helping their enemies.

On the other hand, the conflict is pretty much going nowhere, and peace must be established as quickly as possible. People are dying. There is evidence of chemical weapons being used against the rebels, and that in itself is a huge crime against humanity.

Civilians want to go back home. Conditions in camps are far from being good-- there are not enough basic resources for everyone, such as food, water, and clothing. They just want to go home and lead normal lives.

Do we have the moral obligation to intervene?

We are a very influential and powerful country with the means of helping Syria. We have the "white man's burden" to help less powerful countries in their time of need. The people of Syria have often asked, in their cries for help, "Where is Obama?"

And the answer to that question is, behind a podium, talking to the American people about intervening, and doing little else.

Although we should NOT be intervening militarily, we need to aid them with resources that will help them survive, such as food and water. We need to be doing more of that, giving them hope for a better future, and hope for survival.

Thank you and have a great day.

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