Saturday, May 18, 2013

Gun Restrictions

So recently Obama has been talking about setting gun restrictions. He's been pressurized by the Sandy Hook incident to something, anything, about gun laws as his reaction to the tragedy.

There has been ongoing debates about gun restrictions as well. (The heated debates with Piers Morgan on CNN are very entertaining to watch, by the way, because he gets angry really quickly. You guys should go check them out.) Anyway, I'd like to tell you what I think about gun restrictions.

I completely support the Second Amendment, and the idea of using guns as weapons for self-defense. I would also like to defend the use of semi-automatic weapons for self-defense. Here's why.

Do you know how many bullets it takes to kill a person? 

In a lot of movies today, we see one or two bullets as sufficient enough to kill someone. Contrary to popular belief, it can take one bullet or more than twenty, depending on where the bullet hits.

If the bullets miss vital organs like the heart and the brain, it can take more than twenty bullets to kill someone. Case in point, according to the New York Times, a man in North Carolina was hit by twenty bullets-- and he survived to tell the tale.

So in a highly pressurized situation such as someone coming into your house to kill you, the average person won't be able to think as clearly as they normally do. What is the chance, then, that you'll hit the invader in the first few shots with your rifle? Assuming your name isn't Katniss Everdeen (her aim is flawless), you'd have to depend on your luck to hit them in the brain or the heart. There's an 80% chance that you won't.

If you had your semi-automatic gun, you could fire more shots in less time, decreasing substantially the time it takes for you to kill the person. But if you had an ordinary rifle, you would run out of ammunition very quickly; and if you are unlucky enough to not have hit the vital organs, your invader could still come over to you and kill you instead.

I want the freedom and the right to own semi-automatic guns for my safety. I want the right to be able to sufficiently protect myself. I don't want to have to take chances. 

Like the NRA said in an earlier conference, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people."

Adam Lanza, the murderer at the Sandy Hook shooting, had a problem. Normal people don't go and shoot 20 children and adults at an elementary school. He was the exception. 

And America can't afford to make laws based on exceptions. 

Thank you and have a great day.

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