Friday, July 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela

       Nelson Mandela is the epitome of justice. He is a peaceful freedom-fighter. He is a world leader. He is a supporter of many human rights groups and humanitarian organizations. He is a civil rights activist. He is a Noble Peace Prize Winner. He is, and will always be, the first black president in the history of mankind.

      Unfortunately, he is also on life support. What is worse is that people are denying the truth.
      You know, when my grandma was on life support, of course we all prayed for a miracle to happen and for her to be revived. I remember that particular night. My parents were crying; my uncles, on the phone with us, were sobbing-- but they didn't deny the truth of her condition. They didn't try to give us false hope. They told us, straight up, that Grandma was dying, and we should say our goodbyes. I acknowledged that my grandma had had a good run, and it was simply her time to go.

       That's not what is happening with Mr. Mandela. He's being kept on life support, and therefore technically still alive. His hospital and his family members keep trying to hide his true condition.

       I think Mandela, like my grandmother, has had a good run. He's 94 years old, for goodness sake. If he needs to leave now and end his suffering, why should we still hold on to him so tightly? What is so wrong with death? If he ever returns from life support, which would definitely take multiple miracles, he will never be the same person.

      Mandela has already done so much for mankind. Why can't we do something for him in return and let him go when his time has come? One can only live for so long; although his numerous charitable deeds and noble achievements may make him seem godly, he is not immortal. Nobody is.

     God bless you, Mr. Mandela. May your sufferings end. Thank you for all you have done. You leave a legacy behind.

For more information on the life and legacy of Mandela, please visit:

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