Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Syrian Crisis

So maybe you're just sitting at home, snuggled comfortably under your blankets, and you fall fast asleep, dreaming about that guy who sits next to you in physics, or getting an F on the test you know you didn't study for.

Meanwhile, a little girl in a refugee camp who has fled Syria for her life hides under a thin covering. She goes to sleep to the sound of bombs and dreams about death.

What started out as a conflict in March 2011 has turned into a widespread crisis. And Syria isn't the only battlefield. In these refugee camps, there is a battle against death for the civilians who fled their country.

The Syrian Crisis may be OLD news, but the fact that it is STILL news after two years is devastating. Why are we still fighting this battle?

Refugees need your help. Sixty percent of the population in these camps are children. These children are growing up in an unstable environment, not knowing if they will wake up to see the next day.

Put yourself in the position of that little girl. Sometimes we don't realize how lucky we are to be safe, educated, and healthy. 

The UNICEF fund is currently supplying refugee camps with medical supplies, food, clothing, and other necessities. They are short on funding, however, and will have to cut crucial supply lines soon if proper funding is not received. 

Thank you.

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